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2 Translation results for affecting in Spanish

adjective | verb

affecting adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound

Example sentences of
affecting adjective

  • He begins his book with an affecting description of his difficult childhood.
  • the affecting final scene in the play, when the children are reunited with their father

Synonyms of
affecting adjective

Detailed synonyms for affecting adjective

See: Moving

affect verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
affected, has affected, is affecting, affects
afectar, tocar; fingir

Example sentences of
affect verb

  • Your actions can affect the outcome.
  • Car emissions can negatively affect the environment.
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre affect y effect?
  • El verbo affect significa afectar. El sustantivo effect significa efecto.

Detailed synonyms for affect verb

1. Affect, influence, touch, impress, strike, sway significan producir o tener un efecto sobre algo o alguien.
  • Affect indica la acción de un estímulo que puede producir una respuesta o reacción <his visit to the refugee camp affected him deeply>.
  • Influence indica una fuerza que ocasiona un cambio (por ejemplo, en el carácter o el comportamiento) <our beliefs are influenced by our upbringing> <tax policy often influences the stock market>.
  • Touch puede acarrear un vivo indicio de contacto directo, y puede asimismo connotar movimiento, excitación o daño <plants touched by frost> <her sorrow touched him deeply>.
  • Impress pone énfasis en la profundidad y la persistencia del efecto <only one of the plans impressed him>.
  • Strike puede dar la impresión de una percepción o apreciación aguda y repentina <struck by the resemblance between father and son>.
  • Sway indica la acción de influencias que no se resisten o que son irresistibles, y que causan un cambio en el carácter o en la línea de conducta <politicians are usually swayed by popular opinion>.
2. See: Assume
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Reverse translation for affecting

conmovedor  - moving, touching 
afectar  - to affect, to upset, (figurative) to shake up, to feign, to pretend 
tocar  - to knock, to ring, to touch, to feel, to handle, to touch on, to refer to, to concern, to affect, to play (a musical instrument) 
fingir  - to feign, to pretend